Cutter Bug Spray Campaign

What do vampires and mosquitos both have in common? They are both known for their love for blood! I decided to combine two known enemies of humans and turn them against each other. This campaign includes Kazimir the vampire who uses Cutter Bug Spray to fight off our common biting enemy Mosquitos.

I was inspired by vintage horror movies with their dramatic lighting and use of shadows. I wanted to keep that aesthetic in these ads with use of black and white photography and very drastic shadows.

All photography was captured by me and all edits were created through Photoshop and Premier.

Magazine Ads

I was able to combine both black and white photography along with Cutter Bug Spray’s color theme of blue white and orange to create this humorous campaign while still sticking to the companies image and making it easy to tell exactly which brand is selling this product.

Social Media Presence

I wanted to create a social media presence that made this vampire Kazimir into an influencer. I create this vampire character with the younger generation in mind and wanted to make Kazimir the relatable, loveable, and funny vampire that they are.

Out of Home Advertising

Campaign Video


5th Layer


Tattoo Flash