Legacy Skate Festival

Legacy Skate Festival was a concept I created with the idea of having a skate festival where merchandise would be sold and performances by professional roller skaters, boarders, and bladers. The proceeds from the festival would be used to benefit underprivileged children who need funding for their education. Hence I came up with the slogan “Roll with us. We’ll get you there” to portray the concept of helping children through this program to achieve their educational goals. My logo was created with the shape of a skateboard wheel in mind. I wanted to direct this towards the younger audience since the festival and fundraiser were both designed for them. Everything was created through Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate, and Premier. All photography and videography were taken by me. 

Ad Campaign

This festival was envisioned to be available to children in a more urban area so I chose to design my ads to be displayed within subway stations along with being seen on social media apps like Instagram.


With the festival in mind, I wanted to create products that children would be interested in purchasing. I was specifically thinking of skaters when designing socks to wear, cool shirts, and stickers you could put on your skateboard or water bottles.

Interactive Posters

I created posters that could easily be pasted wherever, but could be taken to the next level with an interactive element added onto it. With the help of the app Artivive, anyone could hold their phone up to these posters and watch these people skating in action.


Trevor Project

